Saturday, 15 March 2014

Paper Crafting

I have a lot of fabric scraps so last month I tried something new with them. 

Unsuprisingly everyone in my antenatal group has a baby celebrating their first birthday at the same time.  I was uninspired (& unimpressed by the cost) of what was on offer in the shops so made a batch of these too. Definitely time for a new needle when I finished.

I also did a little paper crafting for my own boy's birthday invitations and decorations!

Now all the birthday celebrations are over - it's time to get back to sewing.  I have at least another quilt to make before I go back to work in 7 weeks eek!!!


  1. Oh no back to work :-(. Loive the cards

  2. Great cards! You really not have long before you go back to work, but think that you will be able to go to the toilet on your own - I know an amazing concept!!
