Yes I know we are already almost half way through January so I am a little late to the party with my post on looking forward to 2013. But that still hasn't stopped me thinking about what I want to achieve this year in terms of Sewing, Stashing & Blogging.
With our first baby due in March I have no idea how much (if any) time I will have for sewing in the first half of this year. I have counted up my UFO's and they aren't too bad - 6 in total.
1. Red & Aqua Little Windows - need to assess the blocks and decide how big this one is going to be
2. Nine Patch - 10 more blocks to make on this one before assembling the quilt top
3. Rachel's Quilt - this one is all cut but no other progress
4. Wonky Log Cabin - just waiting for binding to be sewn on
5. Summersville Baby Quilt - waiting for binding
6. Spring Carnival Cushion
I am aiming to finish the last 3 before the baby comes and if I make any progress on the other 3, then that's a bonus as far as I am concerned.
I am also doing some prep on my 2 long term sewing projects - Tilda Hexagons and Hexy MF - so that I have some hand sewing ready for whenever I do have 10 minutes.
I always aim to use up my stash each year but this year I'm serious. Firstly I just don't have the space anymore. I've been lucky enough to pretty much have an entire room to make a mess in sew in for the past few years with the occasional inconvenience of overnight visitors necessitating that I clear it up.
However major sorting and organising is currently underway to turn this room into a nursery. This has meant that my fabric and sewing kit has to be re-located. It's almost all sorted and I will blog about it soon but there really is just enough room for what I have. So unless I start using up a lot of fabric, there simply isn't space for any more.
Secondly I will be on maternity leave and consequently maternity pay for most of this year. With a reduced income I really do need to think twice and even thrice as to whether I can use what's in my stash before buying anything new. I am still de-stashing some stuff - link here - with reduced prices so let me know if you are interested in anything.
I'm not making any grand resolutions not to buy any fabric because that would be silly and there is always a need for that perfect fabric! But when sorting my stash I rediscovered a lot of fabrics I love that I am excited to sew with.
I am hoping to have a little play around in the next couple of months and smarten up my blog layout. I am also going to try to blog a little more regularly - with Twitter and Instagram being so instant I sometimes neglect to update my blog which is a shame as I love looking back on it as a sort of journal and seeing all the things I have made.
I will definitely be trying blog my progress on my UFOs and sewing projects on a weekly basis. I have also recently learnt to knit so expect a little diversification over the next few months! And yes I will also hopefully be blogging a few baby projects (both knitting and sewing) in the next few months too.
Right enough rambling on for one night - I'm off to sleep under my favourite quilt ever.
And yes this was just an excuse to blog another photo of this quilt! |