It's almost impossible to put this weekend into words (or at least a blog post that won't be so long that everyone nods off). So I'm going to try and keep it short and show you what I made and tell you what my favourite thing from the weekend was. All my photos from the weekend (including my "fan pics"!) are here on Flickr if you want to see more.
I took some brilliant classes and came home with lots and lots of ideas for what I want to sew next.
Wonky Log Cabins with John aka Quilt Dad |
I had no idea what to expect from the weekend. But in a word it was amazing. The best thing about the weekend for me was undoubtedly meeting so many lovely bloggers, Flickr peeps and sewing folk in real life. Everyone was so lovely so I'm not going to mention anyone in particular except my lovely roommate Justine. Justine was one of my first bee, blogging and tweeting friends and it was so much fun to share a room with her (& the gorgeous Hunter). My husband still didn't quite believe that I was going to London to spend a weekend with people I have never met and to share a room with "a girl I met off the internet". So thank you Justine for such a fun weekend, for my lovely sewing pouch and thank you also from my husband for not being some crazy rotary cutter wielding maniac!
Thank you so much to all the Fat Quarterly crew for such a fantastic weekend and thank you to all the people I met who were so funny, welcoming and inclusive. When I started blogging 2 years ago it was just little old me posting and reading my own posts. Until I joined a Bee I had no idea that this huge online UK (& further afield of course) community existed. I could never have predicted when I first started blogging that such a weekend would happen and that I would go, love every minute and cry my eyes out when it was over as I walked from the hotel to the tube. When it was announced I wondered how the "community" bit of the Fat Quarterly Community Retreat would work. After this weekend I know how - it's a place where everyone, no matter where you are from, what age you are, what your favourite fabric is, can be part of. It's a community that I am happy and proud to belong to.